RCSCC John Travers Cornwell VC
100th Anniversary Reunion - May 28-31, 2020
The Official Kickoff...

Corps CO with Current and Past Presidents of the Cornwell (Winnipeg) Branch, HMCS Chippawa Parade Deck, Thursday, January 9, 2020.
Mr. Neil Johnston, Mr. John Jamieson, Mr. Don Bullee, Mr. Rick Hunt and Lt(N) Kevin Daeninck.


On Thursday, January 9, 2020 our centennial celebrations officially began when the current and some of past Cornwell Branch Presidents handed out the 100th Anniversary commemorative pin to every Cadet and Officer of RCSCC John Travers Cornwell VC. The official party included: Mr. Rick Hunt, the night’s Reviewing Officer (RO), Cornwell (Winnipeg) Branch’s first Branch President, who is also a past Cadet, Officer of the Corps; Mr. Don Bullee, the current Cornwell Branch President, who is also a former Cadet, Officer and Commanding Officer of the Corps; Mr. Neil Johnston, a former President of the Cornwell Branch, who is also a past Cadet, Officer and Commanding Officer of the Corps; and Mr. John Jamieson, a former President of the Cornwell Branch, who is also a past Cadet and CI of the Corps and the current Chairperson of JTCVC Alumni Committee. The JTCVC Alumni was responsible for the production of these 100th Anniversary commemorative pin and the upcoming celebration in May.

The 100th Anniversary logo was designed by former Cornwell Branch member and Corps Cadet parent, Mr. Gord Jewsbury, with the assistance of Mr. Rick Hunt and Mr. John Jamieson. The Anniversary Steering Committee (part of the JTCVC Alumni) had this logo made into a lapel pin for the Cadets to wear during our centennial year and for sale to our Alumni (see Souvenirs).

Mr. Rick Hunt presents the pins to the Guard.

Mr. Neil Johnston presents the pins to A-Company

Mr. Don Bullee presents the pins to the Band.

Mr. John Jamieson presents the pins to B-Company

Corps Chief (Coxswain) wearing 100th Anniversary pin